This ministry has three areas of dance to nurture and utilize the gifts God has given us so Christ can be glorified through us.  To connect those with a desire to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.  

  • Spirit of David Praise Dance - College age and older

  • Graceful Praise Dance - Grades 5th thru 12th

  • In-Motion for Christ Praise Dance for Drama


This ministry shares the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourages members and guests in their walk with Christ, leads the congregation in worship and provides an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts as an integral part of the worship service, provides training our choirs and renders music during Sunday service and all special events. 

  • Sanctuary Choir - 1st Sunday

  • Children, Youth & Young Adult Choir - 2nd Sunday

  • Male Chorus - 3rd Sunday

  • Christian Heralds - 4th Sunday

  • Young Adult Choir - 5th Sunday

  • Bells of Praise - Special Events







This ministry provides high-quality audio and video experience during Morning Worship Service on Sundays, encourages audience participation with the projection of song lyrics, scripture, sermon titles and subject points during our services on the screen and provides recordings for purchase as well as online streaming. 

Multimedia Request Form