Pastoral Ministries



bereavement (floral)

This ministry provides care, concern and support to our member families in need during hospitalization or the passing of a loved one with flowers or a plant.




Deacons are servants and serve as the clearest picture of what a good church member should look like.  Appointed by the Elders, and affirmed by the church, they serve as the spiritual extension of the Pastoral leadership in two primary areas: administering benevolence (via Joseph Club) and caring for the members, those  who are sick and well (via Family Ministry) through follow-up, prayer and visitation. They are also called to assist the ministers in Communion, Baptism & any other manner as designated by the Senior Pastor.


Deaconess are servants and serve as the clearest picture of what a good church member should look like.  Appointed by the Senior Pastor, they serve as the spiritual extension of the Pastoral leadership by caring for our members who are sick and well through follow-up, prayer and visitation.  They also assist in the ministries of Communion, Baptism & any other manner as designated by the Senior Pastor.


Trustees assist in providing oversight to the operational affairs and daily maintenance of the physical plant, their quality, functions and expansion.  They provide counsel in the area of facilities, Human Resources, insurance and policy.


finance committee

The Finance Committee manages and maintains the financial transactions and records of the church and provides regular reports to the Senior Pastor and leaders.


health awareness

This ministry informs members of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle emotionally, physically and medically in order to reduce stress, reduce the risk of health issues and to have a better quality of life.  Everything we do impacts our health.



This ministry keeps accurate records of all areas of the church activities, policies and procedures in order to be aware of the significance for generations to come.



This ministry was established to feature member accomplishments, businesses, important information and various other things to know about Shiloh on a monthly basis.


joseph club (benevolence)

This ministry serves the financial needs of members through a review team for consideration of financial assistance.



This ministry formally acknowledges the relationship between deceased person and our church.  The resolution will be delivered to the deceased person’s funeral to honor his or her spiritual qualities and good works at Shiloh or in the community.


safety & security

This ministry protects the congregation and guests from harm, to ensure vehicles are safe from crime while parked, to ensure safe walking into the building and safety during services, to keep abreast of safety issues that may affect our campus, and host safety training and classes that will impact us.  In addition, we welcome any safety concerns that will aid us in our ministry – if you see something say something.  You may report suspicious behavior or leave a tip anonymously.