
Worship Ministry
The purpose of the Brotherhood ministry is to minister to men of all ages, specifically men over the age of 50 on Mondays at 7:00 pm. We study the bible to become better disciples of God's Word and leaders of our families. We meet to build a brotherhood with one another. All men of all ages are welcome to attend.
Mission Statement
The Brotherhood mission is to build announcement team will inform the membership of church events, special announcements and make guests feel welcome.
Our goal is to keep membership apprised of upcoming events. And, to make our guests feel welcome so that they want to return or even join our church family.
Who do we serve?
We serve the Pastor, leaders and men of all ages within our congregation.
What are our special needs or services?
A regular meeting room and bible.
What skills or characteristics do we seek in our team?
A committed to serving Christ and a desire to have a better relationship with God and the men of Shiloh.
Is there a uniform or colors to be worn?
Join Our Team!
Bro. Bennie Sherman
Brotherhood Ministry